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Thales Gelinger
Thales Gelinger

About Me

I’m Thales Gelinger a 25 years old developer from Brazil, i’m currently working as a Lead in a very cool project in mobile space for a car rental company, i like to build things, with the most variety of technologies, from applications for regular users, to development tools that can improve the developer experience, here you can check some cool things I’ve been doing so far.

By being a lead, i have the oportunity to interact more with a bunch of people and the oportunity to mentoring then, which is a very cool moment where i can share a bit of wisdom with other people, by helping then to improve their own carrer.

I’m usually the guy in the team that brings the most different ideas that people usually don’t think, and when are introduced to, love in the first sign, i always try to get inspiration from another projects i saw, and try to incoporate in my current workflow.

By my background in low level, i'm very interested in performance and low level programing languages, like golang, rust, and by working with mobile i really like to know more about the machine itself, how to work with native mobile development, or for native platforms, how to interact with OS, and how to make things faster

My Story

I started to play with tech by the hard part, like, literally hard, i started from hardware, studying electronic, i always think so fascinating how things actually work, and then at some point i was introduced to coding with C, and i think that was amazing, i could do literally what i wanted, even learning a lot of ways to shoot on my own feet.

Coding low level for processors was very nice, i loved to code for it, and did some projects while i was in high school, but then i had to make an internship and the only thing i could find in my city was building PCBs.

I worked there for 3 years and barely touched code, until i get tired that things were not evolving, so i moved to another city and get a internship in software development, i was studying electrical engineer, i saw the opportunity, and tried just with my old school C knowledge.

I participate in a treinament in that company that teached me Java, HTML, CSS, Javascriptand SQLwith Oracle DB, and i remember the moment i was learning java, and how fantastic was not having to worry about memory for adding items in a list, and when i saw JS was even better, was so fast to do anything, and i really loved JS and started to learn anything i could in that ecosystem, but then universe send me to work with java which i did for one year, until i got to frontend with angular and TS, that teach me a lot of the power of TS, but i wanted more, i wanted to work for a company that was not from Brazil, and i wanted to work with mobile to take a look how it was, then i joined my current company DWS, which i’m for almost 3 years now, and work a lot with react native and Typescript, and some native code sometimes with Java, Kotlin, Objective C and Swift.